
ד"ר רמי הורוביץ

חוקר - אנטומולוגיה


תחומי מחקר

א. מזיקי חקלאות, ובייחוד במזיקים כנימת עש הטבק, פרודניה, הליותיס וגדודנית פולשת

ב. כנימת עש הטבק: הגדרת תת המינים, והשפעתם על תנגודת לתכשירי הדברה.

ג. מימשק תנגודת למזיקים שונים, במיוחד למזיקי כותנה; מימשק שסייע במניעת תנגודת, עודד שימוש בתכשירי הדברה ידידותיים וגרם להפחתת השימוש בתכשירי הדברה בכותנת ישראל ובגידולים אחרים.

ד. הדברה משולבת

רשימת פרסומים

  1. Horowitz, A.R., S. Kontsedalov, and I. Ishaaya. 2004. Dynamics of resistance to the neonicotinoids, acetamiprid and thiamethoxam, in Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).Econ. Entomol. 97: 2051-2056.
  2. Ishaaya, I., S. Kontsedalov and A.R. Horowitz. 2005. Effect of the surfactant BB5 on the potency of thiamethoxam on the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Phytoparasitica 33: 57-59.
  3. Ishaaya, I., S. Kontsedalov and A.R. Horowitz. 2005. Biorational Insecticides – Mechanism and Cross-Resistance Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol.58: 192-199.
  4. Horowitz, A.R., S. Kontsedalov, V. Khasdan and I. Ishaaya. 2005. Biotypes B and Q of Bemisia tabaci and their relevance to neonicotinoid and pyriproxyfen resistance. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 58: 216-225.
  5. Khasdan, V., I. Levin, A. Rosner, S. Morin, S. Kontsedalov, L. Maslenin and A.R. Horowitz. 2005. DNA markers for identifying biotypes B and Q of Bemisia tabaci and studying population dynamics. Bull. Entomol. Res. 95: 605-613.
  6. Gottlieb, Y., M. Ghanim, E. Chiel, D. Gerling, V. Portnoy, S. Steinberg, G. Tzuri, A. R. Horowitz, E. Belausov, N. Mozes-Daube, S. Kontsedalov, M. Gershon, S. Gal, N. Katzir and E. Zchori-Fein. 2006. Identification and localization of Rickettsia in Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae).Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72: 3646–3652.
  7. Eliahu, M., D. Blumberg, A. R. Horowitz and I. Ishaaya (2007) Effect of pyriproxyfen on developing stages and embryogenesis of California red scale (CRS), Aonidiella aurantii. Pest Manag. Sci. 63: 743-746.
  8. Wilson, M., P. Moshitzky, E. Laor, M. Ghanim, A.R. Horowitz and S. Morin (2007) Reversal of resistance to pyriproxyfen in the Q biotype of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Pest Manag. Sci. 63: 761-768.
  9. Khasdan, V., M. Sapojnik, A. Zaritsky, A.R. Horowitz, S. Boussiba, M. Rippa, R. Manasherob, and E. Ben-Dov. 2007. Larvicidal activities against agricultural pests of transgenic Escherichia coli expressing combinations of four genes from Bacillus thuringiensis. Microbiol. 188: 643-653
  10. Kontsedalov, S., Gottlieb, Y., Ishaaya, I. Nauen, R., Horowitz, R. and Ghanim, 2008. Toxicity of spiromesifen on the developmental stages of Bemisia tabaci biotype B. Pest Manage. Sci. 65: 5–13.
  11. Crowder, D.W., A.R. Horowitz, B.E. Tabashnik, T. J. Dennehy, I. Denholm, K. Gorman and Y. Carrière (2009). Analyzing haplodiploid inheritance of insecticide resistance in whitefly biotypes. Bull. Entomol. Res. 99, 307–315.
  12. Crowder, D.W., A.R. Horowitz, P.J. De Barro, S.S. Liu, A.M. Showalter, S. Kontsedalov, V. Khasdan, A. Shargal, J. Liu and Y. Carrie`re 2010. Mating behaviour, life history and adaptation to insecticides determine species exclusion between whiteflies.J. Animal Ecology 79: 563-570.
  13. Zaritsky, A., E. Ben-Dov, D. Borovsky, S. Boussiba, M. Einav, G. Gindin, A.R. Horowitz, M. Kolot, O. Melnikov, Z. Mendel and E. Yagil. 2010. Transgenic organisms expressing genes from Bacillus thuringiensis to combat insect pests. Bioengineered Bugs 1: 341-344.
  14. Crowder, D., Horowitz, A.R, Breslauer, H., Rippa, M., Kontsedalov, S. Ghanim, M. and Carriere, Y. 2011. Niche partitioning and stochastic processes shape community structure following whitefly invasions. Basic and Applied Ecology 12: 685–694.
  15. Kontsedalov S, Abu-Moch F, Lebedev G, Czosnek H, Horowitz AR, Ghanim M. 2012. Bemisia tabaci biotype dynamics and resistance to insecticides in Israel during the years 2008-2010. J Integrative Agric. 11: 312-320.
  16. Bitsadze N, Jaronski S, Khasdan V, Abashidze E, Abashidze M, Latchininsky A, Samadashvili D, Sokhadze I, Rippa M, Ishaaya I, and Horowitz AR. 2013. Joint action of Beauveria bassiana and the insect growth regulators diflubenzuron and novaluron, on the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria.  J Pest Sci 86: 293-300
  17. Horowitz AR and Ishaaya. 2014. Dynamics of biotypes B and Q of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci and their impact on insecticide resistance. Pest Manage. Sci. 70 (10):1568-1572.
  18. Cass BN, Yallouz R, Bondy EC, Mozes-Daube N, Horowitz AR, Kelly SE, Zchori-Fein E, Hunter MS .2015. Dynamics of the Endosymbiont Rickettsia in an Insect Pest. Microb Ecol. 70:287-97
  19. Horowitz A.R., Guzman C., Lebedev G., Lavi M., Dardary O., and Ghanim M. 2016. Effect of the organic insecticide, DeccoTab ®, on the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. In: integrated control in protected crops, IOBC-WPRS Bulletin Vol. 119, 2016, pp. 39-40
  20. Horowitz A.R., Guzman C., Ischakov R., Pelah A. and Markus A. 2017. Effect of UV-stabilized BtK on Helicoverpa armigera larvae after exposure to sunlight. In: Microbial and Nematode Control of Invertebrate Pests IOBC-WPRS Bulletin Vol. 129, 2017, pp. 19-22.
  21. Horowitz, A.R., Ghanim, M., Roditakis, E., Nauen, R., Ishaaya, I. 2020. Insecticide resistance and its management in Bemisia tabaci species. J. Pest. Sci. 93: 893–910
  22. Gonzalez-Karlsson Adrea, Golov Yftach, Steinitz Hadass1, Adi Moncaz, Eyal Halon, A. Rami Horowitz, Goldenberg Inna, Gurka Roi, Liberzon Alexander, Soroker Victoria , Jurenka Russell and Harari Ally R. (2021) Males perceive honest information from female released sex pheromone in a moth. Behav. Eco.32(6): 1127–1137.
  23. Horowitz, A. R., C Guzmzn, D Sadeh, Ll Mondaca, R Shi, S Sarig (2022) Insecticide resistance management for fall armyworm in maize fields of Israel. AGROFOR International Journal 7 (2).
  24. Rui Shi, Haiyan Gu, Shu He, Binjie Xiong, Youguo Huang, Abraham Rami Horowitz and Xiahong H (2022a) Comparative Metagenomic and Metabolomic Profiling of Rhizospheres of Panax notoginseng Grown under Forest and Field Conditions. Agronomy 11 (12): 2488
  25. Shi Rui, B Xiong, S He, C Liu, J Ben-Asher, AR Horowitz, S Wang, X He (2022b) Comparative metabolic profiling of root, leaf, fruit, and stem tissues of Panax notoginseng. Internat. J. Food Properties 25 (1): 1132-1145
  26. Shi R, Tao L, Tu X, Zhang C, Xiong Z, Rami Horowitz A, Asher JB, He J and Hu F (2022c) Metabolite Profiling and Transcriptome Analyses Provide Insight Into Phenolic and Flavonoid Biosynthesis in the Nutshell of Macadamia Ternifolia. Front. Genet. 12:809986.
  27. Xie, X.; Shi, R.; Yan, X.; Zhang, A.; Wang, Y.; Jiao, J.; Yu, Y.; Horowitz, A.R.; Lu, J.; He, X. (2024) Changes in Soil Chemistry and Microbial Communities in Rhizospheres of Planted Gastrodia elata on a Barren Slope and under a Forest. Forests. 15, 331. h
  28. Negin B, Shachar L, Meir S, Ramirez CC, Rami Horowitz A, Jander G, Aharoni A. (2024) Fatty alcohols, a minor component of the tree tobacco surface wax, are associated with defense against caterpillar herbivory. Plant Cell Environ. 47(2): 664- 681.

Books, Book chapters and Invited Reviews

  1. Horowitz, A. R., G. Forer and I. Ishaaya. 1995. Insecticide resistance management as a part of an IPM strategy in Israeli cotton fields. In: Challenging the Future: World Cotton Research Conference (G. A. Constable and N. W. Forrester, eds.), pp. 537-544. CSIRO, Melbourne Australia.
  2. Horowitz, A. R. and I. Ishaaya. 1996. Chemical control of Bemisia - management and application. In: Bemisia 1995: Taxonomy, Biology, Damage, Control and Management (D. Gerling and R.T. Mayer, eds.), pp. 537-556. Intercept, Andover, Hants, UK.
  3. Ishaaya, I. and A. R. Horowitz. 1998. Insecticides with novel modes of action, an overview. In: Insecticides with Novel Modes of Action, Mechanism and Application (I. Ishaaya and D. Degheele, eds.), pp. 1-24. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
  4. Denholm, I., A. R. Horowitz, M. Cahill and I. Ishaaya. 1998. Management of resistance to novel insecticides. In: Insecticides with Novel Modes of Action, Mechanism and Application (I. Ishaaya and D. Degheele, eds.), pp.260-282.Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
  5. Denholm, I., Cahill, M., Dennehy, T. J. and A. R. Horowitz. 1999. Challenges with managing insecticide resistance in agricultural pests, exemplified by the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. In: Insecticide Resistance: from Mechanisms to Management (I. Denholm, J. A. Pickett and A. L. Devonshire, eds.), pp. 81-91. CABI Pub., Wallingford, UK.
  6. Weintraub, P.G. and A. R. Horowitz 2000. Vacuuming Insect Pests: the Israeli Experience. In: La Lutte Physique en (C. Vincent, B. Panneton, F. Fleurat-Lessard, eds.) , pp. 315-324. Editions INRA, Paris, France (in French).
  7. Palumbo, J.C., A.R. Horowitz and N. Prabhaker. 2001. Insecticidal control and resistance management for Bemisia tabaci. In: Challenges and Opportunities for Pest Management of Bemisia tabaci in the New Century (S. Naranjo and P. Ellsworth eds.), Crop Prot. 20: 739-765 (invited review).
  8. Horowitz, A. R. and I. Denholm. 2001. Impact of insecticide resistance mechanisms on management strategies. In: Biochemical Sites of Insecticide Action and Resistance (I. Ishaaya, ed.), pp. 323- 338. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (invited review).
  9. Weintraub, P.G. and A. R. Horowitz 2001. Vacuuming insect pests. In: Physical Control Methods in Plant Protection. (C. Vincent, B. Panneton, F. Fleurat-Lessard, eds.), pp. 293-302. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany.
  10. Horowitz, A. R. and I. Ishaaya (Editors), (2004). Insect Pest Management - Field and Protected Crops. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 344pp.
  11. Horowitz, A. R. and I. Ishaaya (2004). Biorational Insecticides – Mechanisms, Selectivity and Importance in Pest Management Programs. In: Insect Pest Management- Field and Protected Crops (A. R. Horowitz and I. Ishaaya, eds.), pp.1-28. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (invited review).
  12. Ishaaya, I., Nauen, R. and A. R. Horowitz (Editors), (2007) Insecticides design using advanced technologies Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  13. Henneberry, T. J., S. E. Naranjo, G. Forer, and A. R. Horowitz (2007). Biology, Ecology and Management of Sweetpotato Whiteflies on Cotton. In: Sticky Cotton – Cause, Impacts, and Prevention (Hequet, E.F, Henneberry, T. J. and R.L. Nichols eds.). USDA-ARS Tech. Bull. 1915: 67-85.
  14. Horowitz, A. R., I. Denholm, and R. L. Nichols. (2007). Managing Insecticide Resistance in Whiteflies and Aphids in Cotton Fields. In: Sticky Cotton – Cause, Impacts, and Prevention (Hequet, E.F, Henneberry, T. J. and R.L. Nichols eds.). USDA-ARS Tech. Bull. 1915: 108-125, (invited review).
  15. Horowitz, A. R, I. Denholm and S. Morin (2007). Resistance of the TYLCV whitefly vector Bemisia tabaci to insecticides. In: Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Disease, Management, Molecular Biology, Breeding for Resistance (H. Czosnek ed.), Springer Pub., pp. 305-325, (invited review).
  16. Ishaaya, I., A. Barazani, S. Kontsedalov and A. R. Horowitz (2007) Insecticides with novel modes of action: Mechanism, selectivity and cross-resistance. Res. 37: 148–152, (invited review).
  17. Ishaaya I. and Horowitz, A. R (editors, 2009) Biorational Control of Arthropod Pests - Application and Resistance Management. Springer, Netherlands.
  18. Horowitz, A.R, Ellsworth, P. C. and Ishaaya, I. (2009) Biorational Pest Control – an Overview. In : Ishaaya I. and Horowitz, A. R (eds.), Biorational Control of Arthropod Pests - Application and Resistance Management, Springer, Netherlands, pp 1-20.
  19. Castle, S.J., Palumbo, J.C. Prabhaker, N., Horowitz, A.R. and Denholm I. (2010) Ecological Determinants of Bemisia tabaci Resistance to Insecticides. In: Stansly, P.A. and Naranjo S.E. (eds) Bemisia: Bionomics and Management of a Global Pest. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., pp. 423-466.
  20. Horowitz, A.R., Antignus, Y. and Gerling D. (2011) Management of Bemisia tabaci Whiteflies. In: W.M.O. Thompson (ed.), The Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) Interaction with Geminivirus-Infected Host Plants, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011, (invited review).
  21. Ishaaya, I. Palli, S.D. and Horowitz, A.R. (eds.), (2012) Advanced Technologies for Managing Insect Pests, Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
  22. Horowitz, A.R, and Ishaaya, I. (2012) Advanced Technologies for Managing Insect Pests- an Overview, In: Ishaaya I. Palli, S.D. and Horowitz, A. R (eds.), Advanced Technologies for Managing Insect Pests, Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
  23. Metcalf, R.L. and Horowitz, A.R. (2014) Insect Control, 1. Fundamentals, in: Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Verlag GmbH & Co.
  24. Metcalf, R.L. and Horowitz, A.R. (2014) Insect Control, 2. Individual Insecticides, in: Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Verlag GmbH & Co.
  25. Horowitz A.R. and Ishaaya, I. (eds.), (2016) Advances in Insect Control and Resistance Management, Springer International Publishing Switzerland
  26. Ishaaya, I. and Horowitz, A.R. (2016) Advances in Insect Control and Resistance Management: An Overview, In: Horowitz A.R. and Ishaaya, I. (eds.), (2016) Advances in Insect Control and Resistance Management, Springer
  27. EPPO (2024) Bemisia tabaci. EPPO datasheets on pests recommended for regulation. https://gd.eppo.int (accessed 2024-03-05)

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